Kiriaki Orfanos Visits San Francisco

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Kiriaki Orfanos, Vikki Vrettos Fraioli, Melissa Neofes-Mischak 

KSOCA Members Vikki & Tom Fraioli and Melissa Neofes-Mischak welcome Kiriaki Orfanos, from Sydney, Australia,  to San Francsico. 

Kiriaki is a member of the Kytherian Association of Australia and an avid contributor to

In addition, Kiriaki spent a tremendious amount of time and effort researching and writing the introduction for James Prineas' new book entitled, "Kythera from the Air" which is currently in the process of being printed and will hopefully be available in August.. 

This book contains 270 pages of aerial photographs of all the villages on the island with a list of the surnames of the families originating in those villages, written in both English and Greek. It will be a beautiful "coffee table" sized book that will be a welcome addition to every Kytherian household.

When George Poulos learned that Kiriaki was planning a trip to the USA for her sons wedding in Las Vegas, he persuaded her to take along two newly published books to give to Vikki in California. 

After traveling for nearly a month across the United States, Kiriaki landed in San Francisco with the two very heavy books in tow. Vikki was ecstatic to receive these books that had just been translated from Greek to English and published by the Kythera World Heritage Fund.

"Kytherian Surnames", written by Emmanal P. Kalligeros, was first published in Greek in 2002. The book was very recently  translated and published in English and is available for purchase from the Kytherian World Heritage Fund Publishing House.

The following description of the original book has been taken from


An historical, geographical and linguistic approach.

A publication of the Society of Kytherian Studies, 2002

ISBN: 960-86108-8-5

This 810-page book contains a study of 256 family names from Kythera, their history on the island and their further dispersion to the broader area of the Kytherian Diaspora.

There is a lengthy introduction about the study of all family names that includes tables, indexes and an extensive bibliography on the documentation of the data mentioned in it. Every last name is analysed in detail regarding the family's history on Kythera and in the regions that influenced the island; its geographical mobility before reaching the island as well as its subsequent spread; its linguistic origin and further useful data. 

Readers have the opportunity to wander into the magic world of names, to track down the family name of their interest and once they finish the book they will have a good overview of the human story of Kythera as well as of an important part of the island’s history. 

From the 13th century onwards there is enough evidence of the existence of some family names on Kythera. Their main core is formed around the 16th century and, from then on, they travel within as well as outside the island. Many names from Kythera derive from nicknames, professions or other sources.

The second book newly translated into English is "Potamos: history and images in the context of Kytherian history". It is a beautiful compilation of history and images collected and compiled by Kosmas Megalokonomos also available through the Kytherian World Heritage Fund Publishing House.

Please keep in mind that shipping costs indicated on the order form are for within Australia. The books will also be available in bookstores in Kythera. 

Contact George C. Poulos for information on shipping to the USA.

Click here to see more photos from Kiriaki's visit.


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