Kytherian Luncheon, Oct. 15, 2006

“Connecting Kytherians Worldwide”


Right to left: President: Elaine Moulos, 
Vice-President: Melissa Neofes-Mischak
Secretary: Chrysanthy Conomos
Treasurer: Teddi Zes

On October 15, 2006, at Dino's restaurant in Castro Valley, California 70 Kytherians and philo-Kytherians, met for the 57th annual Kytherian Luncheon. The theme was Connecting Kytherians Worldwide!

The celebration began with Professor Tikey Zes, singing the hymn of the Miracle of the Theotokos. The hymn was a foreshadowing of some exciting miracles that would take place throughout the luncheon. This annual gathering raises scholarships funds for Kytherian descendants and enthusiastically embodies Kytherian filoxenia amongst members and guests.

President Elaine Moulos welcomed Kytherians with inspirational words, and a moment of silence for departed members. As she called out the names of our founding members, a prayer was said, which also included our beloved departed President Anna Condas. Elaine expressed how honored and privileged we all are to have links to our founding fathers --the ancestors who emigrated to the USA and gave us the foundation for the Kytherian Societies world wide. Elaine also challenged a contingent of members to attend the 3rd International Symposium of Kytheraismos on Kythera in September 2008.
Elaine expressed her thoughts on the website, viewing it as a “closing of the circle”. The mass emigration from the island caused a disruption of island ties - be it family or friends. With the creation of this website, Kytherians world wide, are able to re-connect, bringing the circle back around to the small island we all came from. This makes the website a critical tool in preserving our heritage.

Honorary Kytherian citizenships were conferred upon George Condas, husband of the late Anne Condas, and Dr. Tikey Zes, husband of long-time Treasurer Teddi Chlentzos Zes, for their timeless dedication to the society. This important award signed by President Elaine Moulos and Secretary Chrys Conomos touched both members.

The keynote speakers, Vikki Vrettos Fraioli and Terry Chlentzos Keramaris blended the wonders of technology with the beauty of relationships in their presentation. Vikki shared a PowerPoint presentation highlighting their experiences at the 2nd International Symposium of Kytheraismos, where they were invited to give a presentation. She also demonstrated how to use and navigate through and encouraged everyone to get involved by actively participating in the website. In addition, a basket was passed around which collected donations to support the site.

Vikki and Terry marveled at the incredible hospitality shown by the Australians in what proved to be an amazingly memorable experience.

Following the keynote, a special presentation was made to celebrate the 100th birthday of Stamatoula Mavromatis Chlentzos. Stamatoula was presented with a special plaque, which read, “The Kytherian Society - Honoring Stamatoula Chlentzos on her 100th birthday for a lifetime of outstanding contributions”. Stamatoula has been involved with the California Kytherian Society since it’s inception. Until approximately 5 years ago, it was she who prepared the Arto for the Artoclasia held previous to each annual luncheon. All in attendance joined together to sing Happy Birthday, followed by cake and coffee.

The miracle of the day occurred at 3:15 pm. There projected on a large projection screen stood members of the Kytherian Association of Australia via a live “video conference”. The California Kytherians were able to experience the Australian hospitality firsthand.

In California, their image was projected from a laptop computer, via a LCD projector, to the large screen so that the 70 people in the audience would be able to see. The PA system was connected to the laptop so the audio would come through a large speaker for all to hear.

In Sydney, several members met at the home of George and Lorraine Poulos. Victor Kepriotes offered a welcome, followed by greetings from Professor Minas Coroneo, (his wife Eleni Coroneo (nee, Souris), was also present), John Comino, George Hlihlis Poulos, Kathy Samios, (nee, Protopsaltis), Spiro Coolentianos, Andrew Coroneo (wife Nikki Coroneo (nee, Thalassinos) was also present), Matina Samios, (nee, Protopsaltis); (husband Manuel Samios was also present), and Theo Kapitanios Poulos.

Two of the California members, Ellie (Proto)Psaltis Condos and her sister Eugenia (Proto)Psaltis Nobis were quite surprised to see their cousin Matina Samios from Sydney, on the projection screen!

Others in the audience took turns coming to the microphone and exchanging greetings. The Sydney group wished Stamatoula birthday greetings as well. It was a touching moment when Stamatoula saw her first cousin (once removed), Spiro Coolentianos from Sydney, for the first time.

After the Greek and English well wishes other participants had the opportunity to step up to the microphone and video camera to introduce themselves to our Australian Kytherian friends. The result was a truly memorable occasion. The members of the Kytherian Society of California look forward to future video  conferences with the Australians as well as other Kytherians internationally.

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